IVF treatment : How does work IVF ?
Within this section, IVF treatment can find information explaining everything about IVF, including what it is, how it works, fertility challenges it can overcome, success rates and costs.
IVF treatment (in vitro fertilization) : In natural conception, when an egg is ovulated each month, sufficient numbers of actively swimming sperm need to enter the cervix, work their way up the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. An egg must be released from the ovary and make its way down the tube to meet the sperm – the timing for all this needs to be right so that the egg and sperm can combine. Then, if the sperm successfully fertilises the egg, the dividing egg makes it way back down to the uterus to implant into the lining of the womb.
A problem with any of these steps in the reproductive process may result in difficulties in becoming pregnant. There are a number of reasons why this process may not work efficiently and this is where IVF can help. Whilst it is not a cure for infertility, IVF can overcome issues that obstruct natural conception and help people to have a baby.
What is IVF treatment?
IVF treatment (in vitro fertilization) is a fertility treatment where fertilization occurs outside of the body. It is one of several techniques available to help people with fertility problems have a baby.
How long does IVF take?
Whilst individual cases can vary, depending on the issues that are affecting fertility, it is typical for IVF to take approximately 7 weeks seven weeks from when you take your first drug, until your pregnancy test.
The IVF procedure includes a number of steps:
1. A woman’s ovaries are stimulated with fertility drugs to produce multiple mature eggs
2. The eggs are collected at the optimum time which we identify through regular monitoring
3. The eggs are then fertilised with sperm from a partner or a donor in the embryology lab.
4. The resulting embryos are cultured for three to five days
5. One of the embryos is transferred back into the uterus
IVF Treatment Details
Why IVF is done ?
IVF treatment is required in cases where the patients have primary infertility, that is, the inability to conceive naturally or secondary infertility, that is, the inability to have children after conceiving naturally in the past. It can be due to underlying conditions in either the female or male partner, or both. Some conditions for which IVF is recommended are as follows:
Damage or blockage in the fallopian tube
Fallopian tube is the location where fertilisation takes place in the female anatomy. A damage or blockage here would mean that the mature egg isn’t able to follow the course of journey through the fallopian tube and of the fertilised product, embryo, into the uterus.
Ovulation disorders
Ovulation is the phenomenon when a mature egg exits the ovary, ready to be fertilised by a sperm. Disorders related to ovulation would mean the absence of an egg during the fertile period hence, no embryo is formed naturally. This is a reason for infertility.
Endometriosis is the condition in which endometrium – the tissue lining the uterus – grows outside it. This has been found in 10-15% women in the reproductive age and impacts various fertility parameters such as less number of viable eggs (low ovarian reserve), poor quality of eggs and embryo, as well as hindrance to implantation.
Uterine fibroids
These are non-cancerous tumours that grow in the uterus of females of childbearing age. They can be found be in varied sizes and in different parts of the uterus. Higher levels of hormones oestrogen and progesterone can cause these growths. They increase the risk of pregnancy loss, and are a contributor to infertility in women.
Poor Egg Quality
Poor egg quality can be a result of a low ovarian reserve. After fertilisation at the fallopian tube, the embryo moves downwards and implants itself on the wall of the uterus. When the egg of poor quality – genetically and otherwise – implantation fails to take place since the quality of embryo is also compromised. This embryo with chromosomal abnormalities is discarded by the body and may lead to a miscarriage. Poor egg quality is a leading cause of infertility in females over 35 years of age.
Reduced fertility in females over the age of 40
The reproductive window in females spans the duration of menarche (the start of menstruation) to menopause (the cessation of menses). As one ages, and especially after the age of 35, fertility significantly decreases. This is because the quality and quantity of the eggs contained in the ovaries decreases. Once age 40 is hit, ovarian reserve is significantly reduced, and the chances of miscarriage shoot up. Since IVF treatment ensures that only the genetically healthy embryos are used, health risks due to pregnancy at an advanced maternal age can be averted.
Impaired sperm production or function
Sperm is the male gamete and a compromise in its quality and/or decrease in its quantity is a cause of infertility in men. If the number of sperms is less or their functionality is not optimal, fertilisation cannot take place and hence, being a reason for infertility in men.
Inability of sperm to survive in cervical mucus
Cervix is the tunnel-like part of the female genitalia that connects the vagina and the uterus. If cervical mucus is abnormal, it can provide hindrance to the motility of sperms or even cause their destruction. Thus, fertilisation would not occur, and would point toward infertility.
Genetic diseases
In case either or both partners have genetic diseases that may be inherited by their offspring, an IVF cycle can put checks in place to ensure that a genetically robust embryo is implanted. This can be done by tests such as preimplantation genetic testing and the more advance non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing that looks into the chromosomal content of the embryo. Thereafter, only embryos that do not have any abnormal Genetic diseasescontent is implanted hence, avoid passing on inherited disorders to the child.
Unexplained infertility
In certain cases, the exact cause of infertility is not easily ascertained. Such cases can be treated with IVF technique as a deep dive is done into the patients’ health, any existent conditions are treated, and then the rest of the procedure follows.
IVF Treatment Cost In Delhi With Success Rate
The IVF Cost in Delhi may vary according to the level of medication involved in it, i.e., the kind of IVF treatment provided at the time of the procedure as per infertility issue required which cost of medications influence the IVF Success Rate. Find the Table that shows the cost of IVF treatment in Delhi/NCR with Success Rate.
Treatment | IVF Success Rate | Minimum Cost (Rs.) | Maximum Cost (Rs.) |
IVF | Fair | 1,00,000 | 1,50,000 |
IVF | Good | 1,50,000 | 2,20,000 |
IVF | High | 2,20,000 | 2,50,000 |
In Recurrent IVF / ICSI Failures, when thin Endometrium is persistently noted or endometrial blood flow is sub-optimal, PRP Therapy should be tried.
Role of PRP in IUI cycles has not been studied.
PRP sample is prepared from patient’s own blood, hence risk of infection, cross contamination and immunogenic reaction is negligible.
Endometrial Scratching is a procedure which has been proposed to improve the Receptivity (Ability of Implantation) of endometrium and thereby increase the Probability of Pregnancy in IVF cycles.
It is usually reserved for patients who have had previous failed IVF ICSI cycles, with good embryos but poor or Thin Endometrium. Endometrial Scratch may be combined with PRP to improve chances of pregnancy in IVF or IUI cycles.