Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire- IVF Center in Congo

 Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire
 Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire

Center for Female & Reproductive Sciences at Padiyath Medicity 

Center for Female & Reproductive Sciences at Padiyath Medicity Aand Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire – Hopital Du Cinquantenaire & IVF Center in Congo is a part of the multispecialty center for Minimally Invasive Surgery. We are Asians best Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery and there by an apex Center for Gynaec Laparoscopic Surgery. Our Center offers services for the reproductive health and gynaecological needs of women in a comprehensive, compassionate, sophisticated and dedicated manner with highest emphasis on patient safety. The entire team works with patients, families & partnered healthcare providers to assure high quality treatment, therapy and care. We Present Our Center as Multiple Sub Speciality Clinics in the Out Patient Department.

Padiyath Medicity – Hopital Du Cinquantenaire harnesses the latest in technology & medical innovations in the complete range of medical services offered to maintain optimal gynaecologic well being throughout the different phases of a woman’s life, including those in her pre-reproductive, child-bearing & menopausal years.

Our Center provides round the clock comprehensive services through a group of qualified and experienced Obstetrics and Gynaecologists with utmost personalized care. Around the clock availability of postgraduate resident doctors and modern, well equipped labour rooms ensure correct and comprehensive care to mothers during delivery

 Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire – IVF Center in Congo

  • Obstetrics Services
  • Adolescent Healthcare
  • Menstrual Disorder Management
  • Infertility Treatments
  • Menopause Disorders Management
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Hematology Clinic
  • Obstetrics Care
  • Management of Medical Disorders in Pregnancy
  • Gynecology Services
  • Reproductive Endocrine Care
  • Benign Breast Disorders Management
  • Contraception & Family Planning
  • Advanced Pelvic Endoscopic Surgery
  • Urogynecology
  • Anticoagulation Clinic
  • Management of High-risk Pregnancy
  • Painless Normal Delivery

High Risk Pregnancy Care : IVF Center in Congo

Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire – A Pregnancy Can Be Considered High-risk for the following reasons: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Recurrent abortions. Previous unexplained Intra Uterine Death or still birth, Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Preterm labour, Maternal age above 35 years, Hepatitis `B’ and HIV in pregnancy, Previous LSCS, Pregnancy with Down syndrome fetus, Multiple pregnancy, Post dated pregnancy, Bad obstetric history, Chorio amnionitis, Intra-hepatic cholestasis, Term pregnancy with fibroid uterus, IVF conception, Obstructed labour, Failed instrumental delivery, Cord prolapse, Antepartum haemorrhage, Non-reassuring CTG on admission, Preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM), Pregnancy with previous uterine surgery, Rh isoimmunisation High risk pregnancy requires extra care and continuous monitoring for the well being of the mother and child.

Pre Conception Counselling for IVF Center in Congo:

Couples are counselled before conception. Our primary focus is on maximizing each couple’s chances of delivering a healthy child and leading a happy life. We care for our patients, and so do we for their comfort and care.

Vaginal, Laparoscopic and Abdominal Hysterectomy: IVF Center in Congo

Surgery is done for removal of fibroid uterus, vault prolapse, Hysterectomy IVF Center in Congo etc.

Gynaecology Endocrinology:

It is the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal imbalance in connection with the menstrual cycle, ovarian cysts, involuntary weight gain, acne, osteoporosis, unwanted lactation, increased body hair or alopecia, the polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.

Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Colposcopy Procedures: IVF Center in Congo
  • Hysteroscopy: A hysteroscopy may be done to find the cause of abnormal bleeding or postmenopausal uterine bleeding. A hysteroscopy can be used for Myomectomy for submucous fibroid or polyps.
  • Laparoscopy: It deals with the identification or removal of cysts. Diagnostic laparoscopy is used for infertility.
  • Colposcopy: It is the examination of the cervix, done when the Pap smear results are abnormal.
IVF Center in Congo
IVF Center in Congo

Infertility treatment Counselling :

Infertility also refers to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. Infertility Clinic entails a detailed consultation and complete infertility work up including follicular studies, IVF and counselling facilities .We understand emotional intensity involved in trying for a child and we will support you with ethical guidance and counselling at every step.

Menopause, Peri-Menopausal and Post-Menopausal Counselling:

Menopause is cessation of menstruation for 6 months at a stretch. If you notice bleeding after this period, you need a check-up.

Menstrual Disorder:

Menstrual disorder includes problem like: Heavy Bleeding, Irregular Period, and Pain during Period etc.


Gynaecologic laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery .Laparoscopy involves visualization of pelvic structures (uterus, tubes & ovaries) with the help of a special optical device called as laparoscope. Diagnostic laparoscopy can determine whether you have conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids, IVF Center in Congo.

We have fully equipped dedicated theatres where these endoscopic procedures are performed usually as day care procedures and the patient does not need to be admitted overnight Laparoscopy generally has a shorter healing time than open surgery. It also leaves smaller scars. A gynaecologist, general surgeon, or other specialist may perform this procedure.


Hysteroscopy is a surgical procedure that enables us to diagnose and operate on pathologies inside the cavity of the uterus. This consists of the introduction of an instrument with fibre optics called hysteroscope, through the cervical canal, which enables us to visualize the cavity of the uterus. We can diagnose and treat any existent uterine pathologies simultaneously.
Different surgeries performed hysteroscopically include:

Center for Female & Reproductive Sciences at Padiyath Medicity 

Parenthood lies at the very heart of most couple’s life which makes the grief of infertility all the harder to bear, keeping this fact in mind, Padiyath Medicity – Hopital Du Cinquantenaire initiated this state of art IVF lab as part of fertility Unit since then there is no looking back in Africa. The members of the team keep themselves abreast with the ever improving techniques thereby fine tuning the centre to one of the Africa’s leading Fertility Clinic.

This is a tertiary care infertility centre dedicated to providing comprehensive fertility & reproductive health care in a personalised & friendly environment. Infertility Clinic entails a detailed consultation and complete infertility work up including follicular studies, IVF and counselling facilities. We provide all infertility services from simple medical management (ovulation induction), surgical treatment (Open surgery & microsurgery / fertility promoting endoscopic surgeries) to ART procedures (IUI & IVF / ICSI) under one roof.

It also holds a licence for intra-uterine insemination (IUI), donor insemination (DI) treatments and the storage of sperm. Our centre can help you achieve your goals of parenthood through technology, innovative research and highly trained physicians, embryologists, fertility nurses and ultrasonographers.

Initial Assessment and Investigations:

Our team is dedicated in helping you achieve your goal of taking a baby home. At your initial consultation we evaluate you completely to decide which mode of treatment is best suitable for you. A detailed medical and surgical (past and present) history of the couple is taken. This is followed by medical examination and infertility evaluation. We request a semen analysis as part of baseline investigation and evaluate the tubes if necessary in the female partner as part of our preliminary investigation. Baseline hormonal profile (FSH, LH, Thyroid profile, Prolactin, etc.) is also evaluated, if required.

The outcome of the examination and investigation decides the best course of action and nature of the procedure to be undertaken. There are various fertility enhancing procedures that may help you to achieve a pregnancy and a decision is taken after the initial assessment.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is placing of sperm into a woman’s uterus around the time of ovulation. This is achieved with a thin flexible tube (catheter) that is passed into the vagina, through the cervix, and into the uterus.

Insemination procedures are the simplest and least expensive methods of assisted reproduction. No anaesthesia or surgery is needed. In IUI, sperm of the male partner is used. IUI is often combined with super ovulation medication to increase the number of available eggs so as to enhance pregnancy rates.

Prior to insemination, the sperm are processed (washed and concentrated). Placing unwashed sperm directly into the uterus can cause severe cramps. Concentration is accomplished by selectively choosing highly active, healthy sperm that are more capable of fertilizing an egg. IUI is done on an outpatient basis with without any use of anaesthesia.

There are registered and approved sperm banks from which donor sperm can be used for couples where the male partner is unable to produce sperm or has an extremely low sperm count or carries a risk of transmittable genetic disease to the offspring.

Highlights of IUI at our center

  • We select our patients very carefully before giving them a trial of IUI.
  • Every IUI cycle is monitored with help of USG & hormonal testing.
  • The medications that are given for ovarian stimulation are chosen after full consideration of the patient’s profile.
  • We do one well-timed single insemination, which reduces the cost of the procedure without affecting the success rate.

In-vitro fertilization in Padiyath Medicity Hopital Du Cinquantenaire

IVF is the union of an egg and sperm in artificial conditions in a laboratory. The union of an egg and sperm results in the formation of an embryo. The embryo is transferred to the uterus which if accepted results in a pregnancy. This process of IVF is done in conjunction with fertility drugs along with monitoring of hormone levels through blood tests and follicle scans with ultrasound.

Who is suited for IVF?

  • Tubal problems- a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, which can make it difficult for the egg and sperm to unite.
  • Severe endometriosis affecting both fertilization of the egg and implantation of the embryo in the uterus.
  • Women with premature ovarian failure can be offered IVF with donor eggs.
  • Male factor- includes absent or low sperm count, problems with sperm function or motility, which can hinder sperm from reaching the egg.
  • Unexplained infertility-where conception has failed to occur despite all apparently normal female & male factors.
  • Women with absent or severely damaged uterus with functioning ovaries can be offered IVF in the presence of a suitable surrogate mother.

Ovarian Stimulation – IVF

An IVF cycle begins with ovarian stimulation wherein a woman begins fertility medications to encourage the development of eggs within her ovaries. The aim of ovarian stimulation is to be able to retrieve multiple eggs so that a substantial number of good quality embryos are available for transfer. During ovarian stimulation, the patient is monitored with the help of ultrasound and hormone testing. Once the growing follicles attain the required size, ovulation is induced and ultrasound guided ‘egg retrieval’ is performed 36 hours after HCG administration.

Egg Retrieval

Egg retrieval is a minor surgical procedure that can be performed as a day care procedure. It generally takes about half an hour and requires general anaesthesia. With the help of a vaginal ultrasound a needle is directed through the vagina and into the ovarian follicles. From here, the eggs are easily retrieved. No cuts or stitches are given during the procedure

Fertilisation and Embryo Development

Once the eggs have been retrieved, they are carefully identified, washed and labelled. They are placed in a Petri-dish with culture media and placed in an incubator for 3 to 4 hours. During this time, a semen sample is collected from the male partner and delivered to the lab where it undergoes processing referred to as “washing”, which isolates the healthiest sperm. Once the sperm is washed, it is added to the eggs in correct concentrations to begin the process of fertilization. Alternately, for patients with problems such as male factor we may elect to use intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to assist the fertilization process. After 18 hours, the eggs are examined for markers of successful fertilization. If normal fertilization occurs, then two to three of the resulting embryos will be selected and placed to the woman’s uterus. Embryos are normally transferred between two to five days after the egg pickup. Note that not all eggs fertilize and not all fertilized eggs or ‘zygotes’ grow into good quality embryos. The embryos, which show slower development or get arrested, are discarded.

Embryo Transfer

This procedure is simple, requires no anaesthesia and is very similar to intra uterine insemination (IUI). The embryos are placed in the uterus with the help of a cannula (soft plastic tube) passed through the cervix. After the embryo transfer rest is advised for a while. During this time the nurse administers progesterone injection, and gives written instructions for further medication at home. Embryo transfer can cause mild cramps in the lower abdomen.

Post Embryo transfer Advice

Medicines are given to maintain the hormone levels during the second half of the cycle to ensure that the endometrial lining is satisfactory. This improves the chance of implantation of the embryos and thus of success. There is no evidence that prolonged rest improves the success rate of IVF.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a procedure where a single sperm is selected and delivered directly into a woman’s egg. ICSI is an effective option for men with subnormal semen parameters such as a very low sperm count, impaired sperm function, or in cases of previous failed fertilization.

Testicular Extraction of Sperm

We also perform surgical retrieval of sperm from the testis in men who have no sperm in their ejaculates. Sperm can either be aspirated from testicular tissue (TESA), or surgically extracted in the form of a biopsy (TESE) or aspirated from the epididymis (PESA). These techniques coupled with IVF-ICSI offer a chance to men with complete azoospermia to father their own offspring.

Laser Assisted Hatching

An embryo must be released or ‘hatch’ out of its outer cover completely before it can implant in the uterus. Assisted Hatching is a specialized procedure performed in the laboratory, wherein a hole is artificially drilled into the outer covering of the embryo, with the help of a laser beam. This promotes the hatching process thereby improving the overall implantation and thus pregnancy rates after IVF-ET. However this procedure is beneficial to only a selected group of patients and therefore offered only to women with advanced age or with previous two or more failed IVF cycles.

Cryopreservation and IVF Center in Congo

Sperm Cryopreservation :

Cryopreservation is a technique, which is used to preserve sperm in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. We can preserve ejaculated as well as testicular sperm. Sperm can also be frozen in advance of the day of egg collection if you anticipate difficulties with semen collection or if the male partner is out of town. However we only offer sperm cryopreservation to couples undergoing IVF/IUI cycles at our center.

Embryos Cryopreservation in Hopital Du Cinquantenaire

Cryopreservation is a technique, which is used to preserve good quality supernumerary embryos in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. These embryos can be used in subsequent cycles in case of cycle failure or if subsequent pregnancies are desired. By transferring these frozen thawed embryos you can have extra attempts at achieving a pregnancy without undergoing a full stimulation cycle. Note that only good quality embryos are used for freezing since only strong embryos can withstand the strain of freezing. In a freezing cycle, embryos are thawed and transferred into the uterus in the same way as a normal embryo transfer procedure. Transfer of these embryos is usually carried out in a hormone replacement cycle, but can also be performed in a natural cycle in which fertility drugs have not been used. One of the other advantages associated with this process is the low cost involved since expensive fertility drugs are not required.

Egg donation and Surrogacy:

We offer egg donation program at our center for women who are unable to produce their own eggs. The donors undergo a screening process before they are recruited for an IVF cycle. Surrogacy is also offered for women who either do not have a uterus or have a severely damaged uterus incapable of carrying a pregnancy. We accept only known or altruistic donors.

Since the establishment of this centre, we have put in every possible endeavour to introduce the latest developments in terms of technology, equipment and research. This is where the scientific knowledge and application by of the medical fraternity brings joy to millions of couple by assisting them to conceive.

What is the cost of IVF Treatment in India? 

IVF Treatment costs in India range from USD 3400 to USD 3900. IVF therapy is an outpatient procedure. They stay in India for at least 7 days for men and 45 days for a female.

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