Surrogacy cost in Ghana?

Surrogacy cost in Ghana
Surrogacy cost in Ghana

How much does surrogacy cost in Ghana 2022?

Surrogacy cost in Ghana : Increasing infertility rate and complication in carrying a child in the womb has led infertile couples of Ghana to choose surrogacy and it is increasing now. With that surrogacy cost in Ghana is touching the sky due to higher demand of surrogate mother in Ghana. That left many infertile couples despairs and easy to find the surrogate mother in ghana due to law income. In this article, we will give you complete information on surrogacy treatment and an affordable surrogacy cost in Ghana.

In Ghana, a report revealed that 50% of men failed in making their wives pregnant yet women are stigmatized by society and they are accpeted surrogacy cneter oferr for daily needs. They have to experience the brutality of the people. In another report, it is mention that the female infertility rate in Ghana is 16% whereas the male infertility rate is about 18%.  Many women abandoned by their husbands and family because of infertility and it become gobal issue now. There are numbers of cases where a couple isn’t able to give birth to a child within a year of marriage, for that reason society started insulting them. Infertility is seen as a curse and female try to get-out from infertility issue any cost.

Advanced fertility treatment has been proven as a ray of hope for couples. Surrogacy has filled many lives with happiness till now and has intended to do in future too.  Surrogacy is a type of ART technique, where an embryo developed with the mother’s egg and father’s sperm implanted in a surrogate mother uterus and waiting 14 days to get results after embryos transfer. A couple needs a surrogate when the womb or uterus of the intended mother is not strong enough to carry a pregnancy due to any factor or if an intended mother has a history of miscarriages, doctors recommend surrogacy treatment. surrogate mother need to do so much pre-investigations before selection.

Traditional and gestational are two methods of surrogacy. In many countries, the traditional method of surrogacy is banned due to higher cost and un security council of female. In the traditional method sperm of the father fertilize the egg of the surrogate through IVF and then it is implanted in the surrogate mother uterus and mother need to wait 14 days after embryos transfer. That makes the child biologically connected to the birth mother. It is believed that in this method birth mother develops an emotional connection with the child, which can harm her mentally. It is very difficult process for surrogate mother to give a baby after dilivery. fertility clinic sign agreements before the process.

Whereas in the gestational method, the intended mother’s egg and intended father’s sperm are combined to form an embryo then it is implanted in the birth mother’s uterus to develop pregnancy. The child is not connected biologically or genetically with the birth mother.

Surrogate mother ghana
Surrogate mother ghana

Who are your Surrogates and Surrogacy cost in Ghana?

Surrogates in Ghana are local females, mostly in their 20’s who have had at least one child of their own. All surrogates undergo meticulous screening, blood work, and medical tests prior to the process and pre-investigaiton process. Doctor finalinse surrogate mother after getting prostive results for surrogate mother. selecton of surroage mother is haff of success in surrgacy process.

Once the Surrogate is pregnant, she lives for the length of her pregnancy at a very comfortable ranch house which was a former family residence, about a 10-minute walk from the hospital. hospital alwasys try to settle surroage mother near by facility so that she can visit hospital ruitine check-up, She shares a room with another surrogate. The home has a fully equipped kitchen with a cook where all meals are provided, a TV and a very comfortable Living Room, as well as a Resident Nurse to monitor the surrogates and help with any pregnancy related issues

How do you do Pregnancy monitoring & Delivery?

Pregnancy monitoring will be done at the modern new hospital and Beta-HCG test is first step to get results. The pregnancy protocol is strict, and will include monthly ultrasounds, nuchal translucency, GTT, Anomaly scans etc.

How about help with Egg donation and Surrogacy cost in Ghana?

Intended parents may choose either a local donor or an Eastern-European donor who would travel to the Center for the eggs extraction. In addition, intended parents may choose an America or Ghana donor from our donor databases ans fertility clinic find surrogace and egg donation females as per recipient profile . All donors go through extensive screening, blood work and medical tests. Profiles include pictures and information about the donor’s health and characteristics.

We also have a large pool of frozen egg available for your selection and also find new eggs as per recipient profile

Egg donation costs are additional, and can vary from a low of $4,000 for a local donor, to $12,000 for a Caucasian donor from Ukraine or Ghana, to around $20,000 for an American Donor. Travel costs for the donor are extra.

Suggest look at using frozen eggs. We can help provide those at reasonable prices.

Surrogacte mother and Egg donation
Surrogacte mother and Egg donation

How do you handle delivery of my baby? Surrogacy cost in Ghana

We provide Hospital delivery and surrogate mother complete stay and follow visit till delivery

There is a range of delivery options that couples can choose from. These include:

  •  Delivery in a self-contained ward
  •  Delivery in a general ward but privacy is maintained by partitioning the ward
  •  Delivery inside water or water birthing.

How Do I travel to Ghana?

From the USA, Delta has a direct 11-hour Nonstop flight from Kennedy airport into Ghana. W recommend it.

Most Hotels in Ghana have a free pickup service at the airports.

Suggest also look at Expedia, or other websites for travel options. You may also want to use you waiting time in Accra to do some tourism or go to a forest preserve. There is plenty of opportunity to travel and explore the area.

Accra is the capital of Ghana, on the Atlantic coast of Ghana. Makola Market is the city’s vast, colorful bazaar. Popular seafront spots Labadi Beach and Kokrobite Beach offer golden sand and high-energy nightlife.

How many times do I have to go to Ghana?

With One Trip:

We can send you a collect at home sperm kit. You collect the sperm at home. It is then mailed by you to a USA based sperm bank. It processes and freezes your samples and then ship them to the IVF Clinic.

Your first trip is about nine months later to pick up you baby. Allow about two to three weeks for this.

With two trips:

You can go initially to see the center, get comfortable, and to give a couple of fresh sperm samples, which are then tested, frozen and stored.

Your second trip is about nine months later to pickup you baby. Allow about two to three weeks for this.

Surrogacy cost in Ghana

In surrogacy, various methods are used to form an embryo for pregnancy

These factors affect the cost of surrogacy in Ghana. The average surrogacy cost in Ghana is GHC 160 000.  This amount includes all the expenses from the required tests of intended parents and surrogates to the birth mother’s fee.

There are no strict laws for protecting rights of surrogates in Ghana; because of it, many agencies cheat birth mothers by doing fake promises. Mcurefertility believes in transparency with its clients and surrogates. They offer a fair and decided amount to the surrogates so that birth mothers get the reward for the services provided by them to the couples.

Dr. Rudolph Kantum Adageba
Dr. Rudolph Kantum Adageba

About the Dr. Rudolph Kantum Adageba


Hon Consultant,Endocrinology and Infertility
Medical Director and Head, Ruma IVF
Lecturer, School of Medical Sciences/Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana

I am a self-motivated individual who is committed to the care of couples and individuals with fertility problems in my country. Infertility is a serious medical, social, cultural and economic problem in Ghana with devastating emotional and psychological consequences. Women often bear the brunt of infertility consequences in our society. My aim is to bring hope and evidence-based treatment to all couples and individuals in my country and beyond who have problems having children. I also hope to provide quality training of fertility specialist in my country which currently is practically not available to many doctors aspiring to become fertility specialists.

Publications in journals

  • Adageba RK, Danso KA, Ankobea FK, Kolbilla DZ, Opoku P. Knowledge of cervical cancer and patronage of cervical cancer screening services among female health workers in Kumasi, Ghana. African Journal Of Haematology And Oncology. 2011 Mar 19;2(1): Available from:
  • Adageba R, Danso K, Adusu-Donkor A, Ankobea-Kokroe F. Awareness and Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Caesarean Delivery among Antenatal. Ghana Med J. 2008 Dec;42(4):137–40. Available

India Success Rates 2020 – Surrogacy Success rate in Ghana

The egg donation clinical pregnancy success rates were 65% in 2020 and for IVF with own eggs – 46%. The clinical pregnancy success rates with own eggs as per woman’s age were as follows

  • women under 35: 62%
  • women 35-40: 53%
  • women above 40: 22%.

The embryo donation clinical pregnancy rates were 55% in 2020.

Ferticentro specialists recommend and practice embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage. The average number of embryos transferred in 2020 was 1.1% as embryologists at Ferticentro do not recommend transferring more than a single embryo. Thus the multiple birth rate was under 10% last year.

Peaceland Fertility and Laparoscopy Center

Ruma Fertility And Specialist Hospital

Marie Stopes Clinic, Santasi – Kumasi

peace And love Hospital

Asbury Hospital & Fertility Center

Mary Pomaa Memorial Clinic

Grace Krapeanam Maternity Home/Clinic

Lady Joy Natural Health Clinic

Owusuwaa Memorial Maternity Clinic

Baby Pearl Maternity Home and Clinic

Ammamata clinic

Hallmark Medicals

Parkoso Health Center

Asafo-Boakye Specialist Hospital

Adum Clinic

Osman Memorial Hospital

Graceland Specialist Hospital

Nahge clinic

Graceland Clinic

Does surrogate mother pass on DNA?

In gestational surrogacy, there is no way for a surrogate to transfer DNA to a child, because the intended mother’s or donor’s egg is used instead of the gestational surrogate’s. This complete separation of surrogate-baby DNA is an important point, because it protects everyone involved in the process.

Does a surrogate baby have 3 DNA?

A fairly common question that people have is whether the baby will share the DNA of the surrogate mother. The short answer is – no. All babies, no matter the nature of their conception, have the genetic material provided by the parents. Therefore, the surrogate mother contributes little or none of the genetic material.

How much does a surrogate cost in Ghana?

The average surrogacy cost in Ghana is GHC 150 000. This amount includes all the expenses from the required tests of intended parents and surrogates to the birth mother’s fee. There are no strict laws for protecting rights of surrogates in Ghana; because of it, many agencies cheat birth mothers by doing fake promises.

Does the placenta have both parents DNA?

Something only fetuses and mothers share grows according to blueprints from dad, says new Cornell research. Published in PNAS in May 2013, the study shows that paternal genes dominate in the placenta, a temporary organ integrating mother and embryo until

Can a baby have DNA from two fathers?

The answer is yes, but only in cases in which they’re fraternal, as identical twins form from a single egg/sperm combination and thus cannot have different fathers.

How much are egg donors paid Ghana?

Egg donation costs are additional and can vary from a low of 24,177.63 Ghana Cedis for a local donor to 72,532.90 Ghana Cedis for a Caucasian donor from Ukraine or Ghana to around 120,888.16 Ghana Cedis for an American Donor.

How much does IVF cost in Ghana?

The price of TWO-IVF in the Ghanaian context is estimated to be around 1000–1500 Euros per IVF cycle, including expenses for infrastructure, staff costs and medication.

How much does it cost to freeze your eggs in Ghana?

Freezing eggs offers future hope to a woman who is receiving treatment for a serious illness that may reduce fertility. Freezing eggs can be expensive, and most insurance plans do not cover the procedure. A single cycle can cost upwards of $10,000.

What is the success rate of IVF in Ghana?

Our facility offers high success rates, even up to 65 to 70 percent, for the women between the age group of 25 to 30 years. For the age group of 35 to 40 years, the success rate is 30%.

What’s the difference between IVF and IUI?

IUI and IVF are two types of artificial fertility treatments to help you get pregnant when nature isn’t doing the trick on its own. During IUI, sperm is injected directly into your uterus. IVF is a multi-step reproductive technology that involves egg stimulation, retrieval, lab fertilization and transfer

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