What is Ovulation, Conception, And Getting Pregnant ?
Are you looking for ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant? Or want to understand more about fertile days and ovulation? Or just want to know about conception? If yes, our article will help you understand more about ovulation and increase the chance of conceiving and Signs of Ovulation.
Table of contents
What is Ovulation?
Ovulation Period For Pregnancy
How Many Days After Ovulation Can You Get Pregnant?
Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation Day By Day
Optimal Timing for Sex
What are the Signs of Ovulation?
When Will I Ovulate?
Tests for Ovulation
Final Thoughts
What is Ovulation?
Female Ovulation is a part of female menstrual cycle where the ovary releases females ovary an egg. It occurs around the 14th day of the usual 28-day cycle.
During each cycle, between six to 14 days of the cycle, the follicle-stimulating hormone causes one of the follicles in the ovary to mature. During 10 to 14 days, one follicle fully matures to form an egg.
Around the 14th day, a sudden increase in luteinizing hormone triggers egg release. The egg then travels down the hollow tube. During this phase, another hormone increases that prepares the womb lining for pregnancy.
A woman conceives when a sperm cell enters the womb through the vagina and joins with the egg cell. When this fertilized egg continues to move down the tube, it starts multiplying. After a week of fertilization, the egg reaches the womb and form a cluster of 100 cells (blastocyst).
This cluster of cells attaches to the womb lining, a process called implantation. The release of female hormones estrogen and progesterone causes the thickening of the womb lining to provide nutrition to the growing baby, Signs of Ovulation.
The cells continue to divide. Some cells from the baby, while others form a nutrient and oxygen supplying structure, the placenta. The hormonal surge signals the womb lining to maintain itself and not shed. Thus, you will not get menses, suggesting pregnancy.
Ovulate Period For Pregnancy
The fertile period, during which getting pregnant is the highest, is known as ovulation. The ovulation period includes the day of ovulation and the time that sperm can live inside the cervix before fertilizing the egg.
Experts suggest getting pregnant five days before and one day after ovulation. The ovulation period may change based on the menstrual cycle.
How Many Days After Ovulation Can You Get Pregnant?
As discussed before, pregnancy is possible up to 24 hours after ovulation. This is because the egg can survive only 24 hours before sperm can fertilize it.
Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation Day By Day – Signs of Ovulation
Ovulation occurs around day 14, and six days around this process are considered fertile. But how can you know if you have conceived?
Here are some of the common symptoms after ovulation:
Days 0–7 past
During this phase, your body releases the hormone progesterone that aids in sustaining the pregnancy.
This may cause symptoms such as:
- Bloating
- Increased nipple sensitivity
- Muscle aches and headaches
- Breast tenderness
- Food cravings

Days 7–10 past
During this phase, most women notice spotting or bleeding, known as implantation bleeding. The spotting is light and lasts for a day or two, and is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. During this stage, the pregnancy test may or may not be positive.
Days 11–14 past – Signs of Ovulation
It is more likely to test positive during this phase. Some symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Increased urge to urinate
- Darkening of the nipple colour
- Abdominal cramps or diarrhea
- Increased hunger or food cravings
As the pregnancy progresses, the symptoms become more prominent, including:
- Vomiting
- Nausea, especially when hungry
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Fatigue
- Strong aversion to certain smells or foods
- Water retention and bloating
- Changes in the sense of smell
Optimal Timing for Sex
While knowing when you are ovulating can help you time sex for your most fertile days, it’s not required. If you have sex three to four times a week, you’re bound to have sex around your ovulation period. Ideally, have sex every other day during your fertile window so that the sperm has time to regenerate and mature between copulation
When Are You Pregnant?
When a sperm cell fertilizes the egg, conception takes place. However, you are not technically pregnant at this moment. The egg must implant in the uterine wall for pregnancy to start.
To be considered pregnant, the fertilized egg must embed itself into the endometrium. This happens 7 to 10 days after fertilization.
Likewise, if you are going through IVF, you aren’t officially pregnant after embryo transfer. Even though the embryo is now inside the uterus, you’re not “pregnant” unless the embryo implants itself into the endometrium.
Tips for Conception
Conception requires at least one ovum and one sperm. Semen can live up to five days in the female reproductive tract during the fertile window.11 The human ovum, however, lives for just 24 hours. Additionally, the ovum must be fertilized within the first 12 hours after ovulation for conception to occur.
This is why you need to have sex before you ovulate. If you want to get pregnant, sex before ovulation will ensure there are sperm cells waiting to greet the ovulated egg. There’s no need to have sex at the very moment of ovulation, but that works, too
When Will I Ovulate?
Ovulation usually occurs between day 11 and day 21 of the menstrual cycle. Each menstruating person ovulates on their own schedule. You’ve probably heard that the process in which a mature egg is released from the ovary occurs on day 14 of your cycle, but that’s just an average benchmark. In fact, even people with 28-day menstrual cycles don’t always ovulate on day 14. One study found that fewer than 10% of menstruating people with 28-day cycles were ovulating on day 14 to 15
Usually, when a person says they’re ovulating, they’re referring to the especially fertile period of two to three days that precede ovulation. If we assume ovulation occurs somewhere between day 11 and day 21, this extra fertile period can occur as early as day 9 of the menstrual cycle and as late as day 22. That’s a wide range! This is why if you want to conceive, it can help to track your own the process in which a mature egg is released from the ovary and fertility signs each cycle

What are the Signs of Ovulation?
The following are some of the signs that may help women to recognize when they are ovulating:
- Altered character of cervical and vaginal discharge – the mucus produced in the cervix changes from thick to slippery and copious (resembling uncooked egg white) mucus during ovulation, which is evident in the vaginal discharge.
- Body temperature – the basal body temperature drops slightly just before ovulation and then increases very slightly, about half a degree Celsius, for the rest of the luteal phase.
- Mittelschmerz – this refers to abdominal pain in the region of the ovaries at the time of ovulation, either generalized or on alternating sides of the abdomen, corresponding to the side of ovulation.
- Senses – many women experienced a heightened sense of smell during ovulation and may even be able to sense the precise moment of ovulation.
- Libido – it is common to have a higher sexual drive in the days immediately prior to ovulation.
These signs are very useful and are able to help some women recognize the exact time of ovulation.
Tests for Ovulation
Several medical tests are available to confirm the occurrence of ovulation, such as:
- Ovulation predictor kits for home use based on the rapid measurement of urinary hormone levels help to detect the imminence of ovulation
- Blood progesterone levels above 20 nmol/L strongly suggest that ovulation has already taken place if measured in the late luteal phase
- An ultrasound showing a pregnancy is the only absolute evidence of ovulation.
Aberrations of Ovulation
Ovulation may be disrupted by problems with:
- The hypothalamus – as in polycystic ovary syndrome, too rigorous exercise, long-term stress and eating disorders
- The pituitary – as in benign growths of the pituitary or pituitary injury
- The ovaries – as in ovarian failure, or ovarian trauma or removal
Can the Chances of Ovulation be Enhanced?
Some ways to increase the possibility of ovulation include:
- Regulating body weight within normal limits
- Avoiding extreme forms of exercise
- Regular and balanced eating habits with adequate caloric intake
- Stress management
Final Thoughts
Understanding ovulation can help you conceive quickly and avoid unwanted pregnancy. For most women, pregnancy occurs around day 14 of their cycle.
However, some women, including those with PCOS, do not ovulate regularly. This can be a contributing factor to infertility.
At Mcurefertility, we help with assisted reproduction. We will help you with medicines to promote ovulation. Insemination can be timed around ovulation to increase the chances of getting pregnant.