Yoga as an adjunct treatment of infertility

Yoga as an adjunct treatment of infertility
Yoga as an adjunct treatment of infertility

Yoga as an adjunct treatment of infertility

Yoga and fertility: what does the science say about it? Some studies show that the regular practice of yoga can help to face the challenges posed by assisted reproduction procedures , especially in relation to anxiety. Other work goes further, suggesting that it contributes to even improving the success rates of fertility treatments. 

In this article, we highlight the role of yoga as an adjunct infertility treatment . Read on and learn about the scientifically proven benefits. 

Can You do Yoga During IVF Treatment? 

Yoga is much more than a form of gymnastics. It seeks to work the body and mind in an integrated way, balancing them.

Little by little, yoga is able to alter the chemistry of the brain , to bring the practitioner to a heightened state of sensitivity and clarity. For this, it combines exercises (ranging from mild to intense) with breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques. 

Yoga and fertility: is there a relationship?

Before continuing, it is necessary to clarify that, according to the Brazilian Society of Assisted Reproduction  (SBRA), there are no studies with high levels of evidence that prove the benefits of alternative and complementary medicine techniques on improving fertility. What is known is that, sometimes, the chances of success in infertility treatments are hampered by the physical and mental state  of the patients. In these respects, yoga can help.  

A study  that evaluated the effects of yoga postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and meditation techniques on male and female fertility, as well as on the results of assisted reproduction treatments, showed benefits from a stress management point of view. . But in addition to improving psychological conditions (decreasing anxiety and depression), it was noted that the practice also helps to improve physiological states (optimizing the functioning of organs).  

Another  study  points out that the practice of yoga contributes to the  balance of hormonal profiles , which is essential when trying to get pregnant. A third study  also highlights that yoga can help increase clarity of mind and develop patience — so necessary for patients undergoing infertility treatments. 

Does yoga improve overall health?

Indirectly, yes. After all, while yoga helps to keep the body’s chemistry balanced, it leads the practitioner to pay more attention to their own body and respect its needs. This, in turn, leads to the adoption of healthier habits  (related to food , physical exercise, sleep quality,  etc.).   

At the same time, yoga makes its adept develop a greater sensitivity to what he is feeling. In this way, the patient can better understand what is happening. This makes all the difference when reporting symptoms and communicating more clearly with your specialist.

Yoga During IVF treatment
Yoga During IVF treatment

Is yoga beneficial for labor?

Certainly. In one of the aforementioned studies , it was concluded that yoga can help to prevent or reduce obstetric complications, such as the risk of premature births, the occurrence of discomfort in pregnancies, pain in childbirth and the rates of assisted vaginal births. 

In addition, it contributes to improving the conditions of the newborn. In the same study, there is talk about increased birth weight in children of mothers who practice yoga.

Why is relaxing so important during IVF treatment?

Yoga helps people calm down, which helps them make more satisfying decisions and keep fertility treatment in a positive light. In addition, the yogic philosophy leads patients to stop trying to control this process and just relax — which is very positive, especially when trying to conceive.

At the same time, the relaxation promoted by yoga helps patients, despite the stress linked to the moment, to handle their obligations (work, household chores, among others). This contributes to the quality of life.

To achieve this level of relaxation, yoga uses the synchronization process. Thanks to it, the person learns to focus on what he is doing, instead of doing one thing, thinking about another and saying a third.

Over time, the practitioner is able to filter the flow of thoughts and direct their mind towards calm despite the challenges of external circumstances. And in moments of frustration, he may even be sad or angry — but he doesn’t really fall into depression.

The most interesting thing is that the effects of these lessons are profound and lasting. In the future, they will be able to help carry out new projects, going far beyond infertility treatment. Thus, in addition to the benefits arising from the relationship between yoga and fertility, its practitioners are able to improve their routine, regardless of the challenges imposed by life.

This is why yoga is helpful during IVF treatment

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